Virtual staging for commercial real estate

Selling commercial real estate is a rather complicated process. Before a prospective buyer decides to conclude a purchase agreement, he/she should fully assess the advantages and disadvantages of the premises for sale.

Old renovations, unattractive office furniture, lack of stylistic design – all this affects the speed of executing a transaction. It’s no secret that the buyer first of all evaluates the appearance of the object and only then examines the technical characteristics of the commercial premises in more detail.

Digital staging: repair of premises without the use of physical force

Virtual staging allows to improve design of the object for sale or bring it up to date depending on the needs of the other party to the transaction.

The virtual staging service will be appreciated by the owners of the new real estate objects. In most cases, the premises that have recently been commissioned are depersonalized. It has neither furniture nor uniqueness. Moreover, in such rooms there are often no partitions that allow you to zone empty space.

It is difficult for a potential buyer to appreciate the merits of such an object. And this is not surprising, because not everyone can imagine how “bare” walls can look after minor repairs. And when it comes to a major change of layout and furnishing a commercial space, even an experienced businessman can get lost in the choice of design options.

Digital staging allows to tailor the object for sale to the needs of a particular buyer. This type of pre-sale preparation has a low capital investment. The owner of the premises does not need to invest in renovations or in the purchase of additional furniture and decorative elements.

Virtual stagers, focusing on customer requests, can recreate the atmosphere of a workspace even in an empty room. Thus, a potential buyer will be able to immediately assess the merits of the object being sold and highlight the problems that need to be worked on.

Virtual staging: what is the use of this service

virtual staging office

Commercial space with virtual staging is not only about saving money. This format of interaction with the buyer differs from the standard preparation of the premises by a significant preservation of strength and nerves. The parties to the transaction do not need to meet in order to discuss options for the design of commercial premises. All organizational issues can be resolved remotely. It is enough for the buyer to voice his/her wishes. Virtual stagers will reproduce them in virtual format and provide the client with several possible design options.

Virtual staging solutions for commercial real estate have many advantages. This way of demonstrating the merits of a commercial object:

  • increases customer loyalty;
  • saves time and money for the customer of the service;
  • increases the competitiveness of the object for sale;
  • expands the circle of potential buyers;
  • distinguishes the premises for sale among similar objects.

Buyers of commercial premises will also appreciate the virtual staging service. With the help of digital technologies, you can see how the room will look after renovation and furnishing. In addition, virtually staged offices allow to implement the most challenging design ideas at no additional cost.

The buyer can choose any interior he/she likes from the catalogue of our company. 3d stagers also create a visual picture of the room, based on the individual requirements of the client.

Virtual room staging allows to choose the stylistic design of the premises depending on the financial condition of the prospective buyer. Thus, the businessman can immediately analyse the return on investment.

High-quality photographs always attract the attention of buyers. Photos containing a large number of distracting objects go unnoticed in most cases. Moreover, such a room, according to its technical characteristics, can completely cover the needs of a prospective buyer.

Owners of commercial real estate in the secondary market can remove unnecessary details from a photograph in virtual mode. In other words, digitally staged offices allow to minimize the negative impact of outdated decor elements on the first impression of a buyer from viewing an object.

Virtual staging is created with the help of a digital process in which photographs submitted by the client are enhanced and transformed into a unique image. The results of cooperation with virtual staging companies are so realistic that the artificially filled space makes the buyer want to become the owner of this object.

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